Alvaro Nova

Alvaro Nova, Technician for repair of all types of brass and woodwind musical instruments and a highly skilled craftsman. In 1987 he began working with Carlos Miralles being a Master in brass and woodwind repair. In 1999 Carlos Miralles opened his shop and repair shop in Valencia, CA, which was named Cambrass at that time, and at that time Alvaro Nova assembled Stomvi USA and the V-Raptor trumpets, as well as all types of repairs.Then In 2008 Alvaro Nova and Technician Jose Rivera started as Anbrass Music in Van Nuys, CA. In 2016 his son Brian Nova started as a Brass and Woodwind Technician, and now we are number one in California. It is a pleasure to serve you.

Jose Mauricio Rivera

Brian Nova

Brian Nova, Woodwind Technician joined the Anbrass Music team in 2016. Demonstrating exceptional talent in woodwind repairs from the start. Brian always had a passion for music at a young age by playing the clarinet at the age of 10 and grew interest on woodwind craftsmanship by being around it at a young age by watching his father work in this specialty.

Brass instrument Technician Jose Mauricio Rivera started his journey on brass instrument repair on February 2000. He was hired as a buffer by Carlos Antonio mirralles CEO of Cambrass Corp. Then he got the opportunity to become a brass repair Technician under the wings of Carlos miralles and Alvaro Nova. After working at Cambrass corp Jose Mauricio Rivera and Alvaro Nova started as Anbrass Music in 2008.